and Themes
For teachers,
young people
and children
“During the exchange, I noticed that all children are similar. Even though we grew up in a different country and with a different language."
educational projects
« Many topics that are dealt with in the children's village often go unreflected in everyday life. It is so important to talk about values, culture and discrimination. »
educational work
In this radio project on the topic of gender, girls* and boys* deal with gender roles and equality and question prejudices and stereotypes. "Let's Talk About Gender" raises awareness of diversity and respectful interaction with one another and takes a stand against sexism and discrimination. The project is financed by the Department of Integration and Equal Opportunities of the Canton of St.Gallen and is available to all St.Gallen schools. Interested?
In our radio projects on the subject of gender, young people deal with gender roles and equality and question prejudices and stereotypes. "Let's Talk About Gender" raises awareness of diversity and respectful interaction with one another and takes a stand against sexism and discrimination. The project is financed by the Department of Integration and Equal Opportunities of the Canton of St.Gallen and is available to all St.Gallen schools. Interested?
In our radio projects on the subject of gender, young people deal with gender roles and equality and question prejudices and stereotypes. "Let's Talk About Gender" raises awareness of diversity and respectful interaction with one another and takes a stand against sexism and discrimination. The project is financed by the Department of Integration and Equal Opportunities of the Canton of St.Gallen and is available to all St.Gallen schools. Interested?
Peace, Migration and Human Rights. Topics that hit the nerve of the times more than ever. From July 6th to 19th, 2025, young people from Switzerland discuss these topics with their peers from different countries. To create a better world together as "Rebels for Peace".
We celebrate children's rights! Together with children 4th to 6th grade, we are thinking about how children's rights can be better implemented in Switzerland. The childern's conference takes place from 20 to 23 November 2024.
Democracy means deciding, participating and having a say. At the youth conference Jugendkonferenz!SGAIAR*, from November 27th to 29th, 2024, young people will meet for the second time in a parliament and learn what it means to help shape the community and take responsibility for joint decisions. Four upper school classes can experience this. Are you one of these school classes?
Bienvenue à Trogen - a language exchange programme with a twist. Your school class spends a week in the Children's Village with a class from French-speaking Switzerland. Au revoir language barriers and salut togetherness. Interested?
Win a radio report on the topic of "peaceful coexistence" with your class.
Interactive and creative for peace and human rights - as part of the "Colours of Peace" project young people and young adults from Switzerland and their peers from different countries in the Middle East met. They had the opportunity to deal with topics of peaceful coexistence in different workshops.
"Future of Europe" is the theme of this year's European Youth Forum Trogen (EYFT) in the children's village. A week full of exciting inputs and discussions about the future of Europe. 140 youth. 10 countries. 7 days. And an unforgettable experience.
"Future of Europe" is the theme of this year's European Youth Forum Trogen (EYFT) in the children's village. A week full of exciting inputs and discussions about the future of Europe. 140 youth. 10 countries. 7 days. And an unforgettable experience.