Marius Bear spielt mit Kopf, Herz und Hand am Sommerfest
Around the children's village

Marius Bear Plays with Head, Heart and Hand at the Summer Festival

On Sunday, August 11, the Pestalozzi Children's Village celebrated its annual summer festival at the end of the summer holidays. In addition to the varied program and the 40-year anniversary of the country office in Ethiopia, a local hero surprised the children: Marius Bear played an intimate concert in the shade of the trees.

"With head, heart and hand". This was the motto of this year's summer festival of the Pestalozzi Children's Village. Around 1,000 visitors experienced the essence of educational work in the children's village above Trogen. The offer was used with great interest. All activities and workshops were fully booked.

For a whole day, the young and old guests discovered the village on their own. With the children's rights workshop, the powerup_radio, an inclusive play area for children with and without disabilities and a varied stage program, the guests learned in a playful way about the foundation's core educational topics, such as participation, opinion formation and equal opportunities. Always true to the educational credo of the children's village's namesake, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi: "With head, heart and hand".

Sommerfest 2024

Marius Bear as surprise guest

The surprise guest at the summer festival also followed this credo. The pop star from Appenzell spontaneously decided to play his live concert in the shade of the trees instead of on the designated stage. Much to the delight of the children and young people, who listened quietly to his songs for an hour, probably closer than ever before. The approximately 60 helpers also did not miss out on this concert experience.

Marius Bear spielt mit Kopf, Herz und Hand am Sommerfest

40 years of country office in Ethiopia

Afterwards, the attention was used to put the foundation's international educational work in the spotlight. The Pestalozzi Children's Foundation has had its own country office in Ethiopia for 40 years and is committed to equal and high-quality education. Thomas Schetty, a member of the Management Board and responsible for the Children's Village's opportunities for encounters, is satisfied: "It was nice to see how the guests immersed themselves in our world. Nowhere else can you experience the work of a foundation like here in the Children's Village in Trogen."

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